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What is it:

Why This Product:
When we got our RV for the first time, all of the seats were pleather. Some of the seats were already peeling, and we have a dog. That just calls for even more peeling pleather. We decided that we wanted to prolong the life of our furniture as much as possible and thus needed something to prevent her claws from scratching the seat. At first we were just using fitted sheets because we didn’t have any seat covers. Then we found these great RV couch and chair covers.
How to Use it:
These RV couch and chair covers lay over the couch and chair, and there are little foam logs that you put in the creases to keep the cover in place. To use it, you lay the cover over the couch the way that it fits. Then, you put the little foam logs into the creases of the couch to keep the cover in place.
Our Review:
Overall, the covers are fantastic. They are easy to use and wash, and they even look good too! I really like the covers except for one thing. Unless you put them super far down, the foam logs don’t always stay. It is also quite difficult to get them far enough in, so they sometimes pop up out of the couch causing the covers to then slip. If you can keep the foam logs in place, the covers will stay in place as well. Other than that difficulty, I really like these RV couch and chair covers, and would definitely buy them again if needed.